Scale-up Your Business with Pay Per Click Marketing

PPC is considered one of the most effective marketing methods when looking for a fast-track route to enhancing both website visits and lead quality, as well as driving improvements to conversion rates due to the increased commercial exposure. On top of all of this, being charged only when a user engages with your advertisement allows you to regulate your budget, track potential lead progress and monitor consumer demographics.

Our Team

Dotsquares has a professional team of PPC experts, trained, guided and experienced to fetch best results for your business. We know exactly what it takes to make a business successful and our services are directly proportionate to our understanding and knowledge. We’re competent of delivering tailor made solutions to perfectly suit your business needs and requirements. We’ve got the right skills in hand and we make use of them in the best way possible.

How PPC Can Maximise Your Brand Potential

Why should you opt for PPC?


Increases the likelihood of your product or service being chosen over one of your competitors. Drives revenue.


You can reach your target consumer at the right time with the right ad.


No dependencies on SEO or Google algorithmic changes.


Unlike organic marketing efforts, with PPC you will be able to see tangible results very quickly.


You only pay when a user shows interest by clicking on your ad.


No dependencies on SEO or Google Algorithmic changes

Benefits of advertising with PPC


How we can help? Our PPC Services Includes

Managing Your Campaigns

Once we have set up your campaigns, they will require regular management and updates to ensure they continue performing effectively.
We will continuously analyse the performance of your account and make adjustments where and when required to optimise your campaigns.

Strategy & Message

  • Identify your market, customers and competitors.
  • Determine the message and calls-to-action you’re trying to convey. Consider how you will convince customers to choose you over your competitors.
  • Determine your campaign goals and KPIs. More importantly, ensure they align!

Campaign Development

  • Conduct basic keyword research.
  • Confirm all display URLs and destination URLs
  • Generate list of negative keywords to deter the wrong type of visitors.
  • Determine and set your daily monthly budget.

Landing Page Development

  • Create a landing page customized to your campaign message, goal and KPIs.
  • Ensure consistent messaging between keywords and your landing page to generate a higher Quality Score.
  • Ensure your landing page is responsive if you plan on targeting mobile users.

Measurement & Tracking

  • Conversion tracking MUST be implemented.
  • Identify extra URL parameters you might need to add for tracking purposes.
  • If you’re incorporating remarketing, be sure to implement the remarketing code in AdWords.

Industries We’re Proud To Have Served

Choose Us Because

We’re efficiently effective!


22+ years experience in the industry


Streamlined Communication System


Proven Methodologies


Competitive Pricing


Comprehensive Reporting


Best-in-industry quotations


Hire from a pool of highly Proficient SEO Experts


Free Website Analysis


White Hat SEO & Quality Backlinks


Improved Rankings & Traffic


Branding & Reputation Management


Incresed ROI & Sales Volume

Clients Love Us!

I am very pleased to the team working so hard inorder to accomplish our goals. I can clearly see the evidence on our website as I'm writing this note. I am also aware of the hard work and dedication you have put in this work and congratulate you for successfully coming this far without any problem.

Sherman Belleh

They were always helpful when I needed help. Thier after sales is also excellent. Thier knoweldge in website developement is also exceptional and are easy to communicate with. They provide a personal tough and explain things clearly to those of us who are not IT experts.


Today I completed a live demonstration of the product to 30 or our senior managers and received good feedback and will be going live for this Monday. This brings to a conclusion this phase of Project 50 and the completion of the tasks for Team Dotsquares. I am very appreciative of entire team of their efforts and to all that worked on the project with us.

Theo Lemonidis
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