Symfony From The Experts – Our Expertise Include

A Quick Tour Through Symfony And The Team Behind Dotsquares

Symfony is an advanced web framework and a collection of classes coded in PHP. The framework offers structure, functions and tools for web developers to create complex web applications and enterprise-level web application or multi-level web development more easily and quickly which help save time and efforts in web development.

Our Team

Dotsquares is all about a dedicated team of 50+ Symfony professionals who aspire to build websites that are technically best for the internet. The coders at Dotsquares have got high-standards of work and each of them makes sure the task is completed perfectly before the final tests are done on the code. We’ve got the required skill set and the experience of working efficiently on this framework, which always keeps us one step ahead of our competitors.

Benefits of Symfony Development

Achievements In Numbers

Our Process

We follow a simple roadmap to success



We listen and analyse your requirements.

We’ll ask any queries and create the scope of work.


We’ll then supply an estimate and project timeline for you to review and confirm.



Designs are created based on any supplied design guidelines and the current market standards, as well as input from our skilled designers.

Better user experience

Designs incorporate both ease of use and attractive UI for an exceptional user experience.


Development starts when the design is finalised, using Android IDE, Java Language, and Web API’s.

Agile management

During development the project is used and tested by you, all feedback is built into the project.



We perform UAT Testing and ensure compliance with the various standards to ensure a quality product.


We launch the product, setup the live services and retest to ensure all is working.

We’ve delivered more than 100+ Symfony portals to 70+ clients in last 22 years.

Choose Us Because

We’re efficiently effective!


22+ years experience in the industry


Streamlined Communication System


Proven Methodologies


Competitive Pricing


Source Code Authorization


Comprehensive Reporting


Security and IP Protection


Well versed with MVC Structure


Quality Network & Zero Downtime


Flexible Engagement Models


Best-in-industry quotations


Hire from a pool of highly Proficient Developers

Industries We’re Proud To Have Served

Our Work In The Spotlight!

symfony Web
symfony tablet

The website has a huge range of wall and window stickers these are film alternatives to blinds and curtains for use in homes, and practical solutions for office glass partitions and retail shop windows. Here are also a range of stair stickers as well as printed wall murals for better options.


Clients Love Us!

I am very pleased to the team working so hard inorder to accomplish our goals. I can clearly see the evidence on our website as I'm writing this note. I am also aware of the hard work and dedication you have put in this work and congratulate you for successfully coming this far without any problem.

Sherman Belleh

They were always helpful when I needed help. Thier after sales is also excellent. Thier knoweldge in website developement is also exceptional and are easy to communicate with. They provide a personal tough and explain things clearly to those of us who are not IT experts.


Today I completed a live demonstration of the product to 30 or our senior managers and received good feedback and will be going live for this Monday. This brings to a conclusion this phase of Project 50 and the completion of the tasks for Team Dotsquares. I am very appreciative of entire team of their efforts and to all that worked on the project with us.

Theo Lemonidis
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